Why Does it Matter? | Let's Make Some Noise

This week I'm helping you tackle the dreaded About Us profile. Too many people don't have one and I'm not quite sure why. If you're selling something, and yes having a business means you are, you NEED a bio. So read on for tips on how to create a profile that is uniquely you.

Welcome to Let's Make Some Noise, my weekly newsletter with tips on branding, marketing and the art of 💥finding your voice. 💥

This week was a short one, but an incredibly productive one. Lots of one-on-one networking and meetings (via Zoom) were so productive and helpful in defining my internet journey. (You may have noticed a slight change in newsletter title).

That was just one of the changes this week. I'm also a launching a YouTube channel but the practicalities and learning the ins and outs has taken far longer than it should. I should have known that a perfectionist like myself would need to know EVERYTHING before launch.

In fairness, though, I was mostly derailed by a lack of proper technology. (My kingdom for a USB C cable!) But I'll have the channel up and running next week in all its newbie glory.

I've also been doing a little research for a new product I'm working on, and it amazes me how many business owners are not on LinkedIn WHY OH WHY? Some of you are on the platform, but with an anonymous profile picture and no bio. So below, I serve up a few tips that might help you get started if you're to create a killer bio.

That's it for me!


P.S. If you're struggling to get your brand voice just right, I can help. Check out how we can Turbocharge your Website Content today.

New on the Blog...

Why Does it Matter?
If you're writing your About Us bio or updating your social media profile, start by considering these magic four words... Why does it matter?.

Why Does it Matter?

If you own a businesses or preform high-level sales, (in many cases these are the same thing), self-promotion is JOB #1.

If you fall in either category, there is NO reason to have a blank bio or profile. A strong bio can build connections and open doors, Sites like LinkedIn and Facebook, are helping you make it extra easy to get the word out.

So what’s keeping you from writing that amazing bio? For some, crafting a bio is terrifying. Where to start, blank page and all that. But, if you’ve put off writing the great American bio, here are four words to get you started.

Why does it matter?

What you do matters. So let's start by talking about why...

Try & Tell

Now you try it. Why does your work matter?

Hit reply to this email, and let me know what you think.
I LOVE to get reader email.

Branding...In the News

  • Bad Writing is Costing Us Billions: This is an oldie (2016) but goodie. Written before the awesome advent of AI, Josh Chernoff at the Daily Beast demonstrates that bad writing is costing businesses billions. I agree, and would love to see a post-AI update.
  • Loud Budgeting is the New Social Media Viral Trend: "People are clearly and directly sharing that they’re saying ‘no’ because they’re putting their financial goals first.” Gabrielle Lichterman at Woman's Day reports.
  • Is Branding the Same as Packaging. Over at LinkedIn, Entrepreneur Editor-in-Chief Jason Feifer enthuses about Ollipop's new packaging. "Look at that new packaging! The flavor is front and center, and the graphics are less abstract and more appetizing," he writes.

    My comment about how the post "perpetuates the belief that branding is not much more than a colorful logo and some well-placed visual clues," is my most-liked LinkedIn post yet. Check it out here.

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Save the Date

Join me Tuesday, August 6, 2024, for my next FREE SCORE Webinar & QA - Business Basics. You don't have to live or work in the Albuquerque area to attend.

Business Basics Q&A with SCORE
August 6, 5:30 p.m. (Mountain)

About Me

Hey there, I'm Monica Poling and I help visionaries find their voice. Your voice matters. It deserves to be heard. Follow me for tips and tricks on unleashing your ❤️superpower❤️ — that secret sauce that compels people to notice, remember and work with you. Forward this email to anyone who might be interested in weekly advice on branding, marketing, and the art of💥finding your voice. 💥