What is Strategic Planning | Let's Make Some Noise

This week we're diving into strategic planning. Nearly half of non-profit organizations conduct strategic plans, but only 10 percent of those plans ever get executed. So why do we continue to create strategic plans if we know there's a good chance they will never get implemented?

Welcome to Let's Make Some Noise, my weekly newsletter with tips on strategy, branding, and the πŸ’₯ art of making noise. πŸ’₯

This week, I'm focusing on a topic that's near and dear to my heart... strategic planning. I remember my first strategic planning session, back in the 90s. I was working with the Riverside Convention & Visitors Bureau, and the entire organization came together to discuss strategy...where did we want to go? Where did we want to be in three to five years?

Unfortunately, at the time, we did not know that we were also about to be shut down. :( I guess our strategy session was a case of too little, too late.

But the idea of an organization coming together with one purpose, sharing their ideas for the future is pretty powerful, and I've never really gotten over my love of the power of the strategy session.

So, in my latest video I dive into the idea behind strategic planning. What is it? And why do so many strategic plans fail to get executed?

That's it for me this week!


P.S. If you're struggling to get your brand voice just right, I can help. Check out how we can Turbocharge your Website Content today.

Latest Episode...

What is Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is a long-term vision for your organization. So why do 90 percent of strategic plans fail to get executed?

Let's Talk Strategy

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Join me Tuesday, August 6, 2024, for my next FREE SCORE Webinar & QA - Business Basics. You don't have to live or work in the Albuquerque area to attend.

​Business Basics Q&A with ​SCORE​
August 6, 5:30 p.m. (Mountain)

About Me

Hey there, I'm Monica Poling and I help non-profit organizations find their voice.

With individual giving at its lowest levels in decades and government support dwindling, non-profits face unprecedented challenges. Tax-free status itself is at risk. Simply doing more with less is no longer enough.

Non-profits need innovative solutions that emphasize their value: connecting what they offer with what their audience needs.

So, follow me for tips and tricks on building a non-profit strategy that elevates your mission AND dives into the art ofπŸ’₯making some noise.πŸ’₯

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