The Non-Profit Makeover | Let's Make Some Noise

I'm thrilled to launch a new YouTube series: The Non-Profit Makeover. Every week I review a non-profit I love (or one I'd love to work with). in the video, I show you the six steps I take to prepare for an initial strategy meeting with a potential client. This week, I use my process to prepare a list of questions for the Mathematical Association of America, a natural choice for a math nerd like myself. I also introduce you to my CLAIM Your Brand framework, so let's dive in now.

Welcome to Let's Make Some Noise, with weekly tips on non-profit strategy, donor engagement, and the πŸ’₯ art of making noise. πŸ’₯

Hey there Reader:

I hope this email finds you in good health and good fortune.

This has been a busy week for me. Lots of changes on my website, as well as a brand new YouTube series, which has kept me very busy.

The Non-Profit Makeover

In the new series, called The Non-Profit Makeover, I demonstrate how I would approach a strategy meeting with a non-profit I love or one that I'd like to work with.

For the inaugural episode, I walk through how I prepare for a meeting with the Mathematical Association of America, the perfect non-profit to serve as a test subject for the new series, especially for a big old math nerd like myself!

CLAIM Your Brand

The video also showcases my five-step CLAIM Your Brand process, which I use to review to help non-profits review existing content and/or roll out a new awareness campaign or even a strategic plan.

Origin of the Series

One of my favorite online creators is Chennel Basilio, who runs the Growth in Reverse newsletter. In the newsletter, every week, she breaks down a successful newsletter and how it got to where it is today. The reviews are amazingly detailed and she provides so much value and insight, I'm not sure why EVERYONE isn't following her.

For a while now I've been wondering how I could replicate a similar process for my own non-profit services. Then I attended a session by Dr. Corey Wilkes that helped me solidify the idea of literally recreating the steps I take every single time I prepare for a strategy meeting. The rest came together in fits and starts, with a few failed attempts.

I hope you love the new series and find the videos valuable in planning your own engagement strategies.

The link to the new video is below. Please like and subscribe to my channel. The algorithm (and I) thank you!


This Week on My YouTube Channel...

The Non-Profit Makeover

This week I take you through the six-step process I would use to prep for strategy session with the Mathematical Association of America. Check it out and let me know what you think!

CLAIM Your Brand Framework

I've also finalized my brand framework: CLAIM Your Brand. The framework stands for:

  • Clarity
  • Leadership (Authority)
  • Audience
  • Identity
  • Movement (Community)
  • And there's always a bonus step, how can we make some noise?

I've been using this framework, informally, for more than a year now when I work with new clients. These key elements are essential in building any brand, whether you are a for-profit or non-profit business. Collectively, they are what cause people to notice you, remember you and work with you. Or donate to your cause.

So now I've finally put everything together in formal list that you can use to strengthen your own brand!

Question For My Readers

What Non-Profit Should I Review Next?

If you enjoyed this video, let me know which non-profit you'd like me to review next. Just hit reply to this email. I love to get reader email!

About Me

Hey there, I'm Monica Poling and I help non-profit organizations build strategies that engage the modern donor.

Follow me for tips and tricks on non-profit strategy, donor engagement and the πŸ’₯art of making noise. πŸ’₯



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