Common Non-Profit Mistakes | Let's Make Some Noise

Non-profit organizations have so many priorities facing them. It can be easy to slip into some complacent practices. But after a while, following the status quo can lead to confusion and exclusion, which can ultimately drive away potential subscribers and donors. In this issue, I take a look at some of the most common non-profit mistakes.

Welcome to Let's Make Some Noise, with weekly tips on non-profit strategy, donor engagement, and the πŸ’₯ art of making noise. πŸ’₯

Hey there Reader:

I hope this email finds you in good health and good fortune.

I'm plugging away with a busy social calendar this weekend, including attendance at an improvised session of my book making club on Saturday, and a visit to Santa Fe on Sunday for the annual Southwestern American Indian Art Market (known locally as SWAIA).

Oh boy, that event is a CRUSH.

Forbes called it the World's Greatest Art Fair. More than 1,000 of the nation's top Native artists showcase everything from pottery to jewelry to quilts to watercolor. The event is exhilarating and exhausting at the same time.

My friend Lorraine Gala Lewis, who consistently wins juried awards in her category - Pottery - will be there, so be sure to drop by her booth. And here's a hot tip. Buy her artwork now, because pretty soon you won't be able to afford it.

I know I have a few other artist friends subscribing to this newsletter, so if you're exhibiting this weekend, reply to this email and I'll post your info on social media.

It is so great to dive into and experience the energy of events like this, even as SOME states (ahem) cut all funding for the arts due to political "outrage" or just downright posturing.

Art has always been a universal language. It chronicles our history, it celebrates our similarities and it bridges our differences. It transcends barriers and it connects people across time. Art will always survive and it will always thrive, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges.

Events like SWAIA and the many others around the country remind us of the indomitable spirit of art and the human artist.

Okay, soap box moment is over.

If you'll be in Santa Fe, let me know. If not, until next week!


This Week on My YouTube Channel...

Common Non Profit Mistakes

From lack of focus on impact to not adopting a growth mindset, many philanthropy professionals make a few common non-profit mistakes that can hinder donor growth.

Reader Question: Which Non-Profits Are On Your Giving Plan?

I'm putting together a list of favorite types of non-profit organizations. Hit reply now to let me know what type of non-profit - from climate change - to arts and culture to health to animal welfare - you donate to the most!

I LOVE to get reader email.

About Me

Hey there, I'm Monica Poling and I help non-profit organizations build strategies to engage the modern donor.

Follow me for tips and tricks on non-profit strategy, donor engagement and the πŸ’₯art of making noise. πŸ’₯



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