Are You Living the Life of Your Dreams? | Let's Make Some Noise

Are you living the life of your dreams? This is a question I wrestled with a lot this past week, and the answer was a solid, I'm close. But not quite there. Read on to see how I came to this conclusion and get a sneak peak into what's next.

Welcome to Let's Make Some Noise, with weekly tips on non-profit strategy, donor engagement, and the πŸ’₯ art of making noise. πŸ’₯

Hey there Reader:

I hope this email finds you in good health and good fortune. Can you believe Labor Day weekend (here in the U.S.) is upon us? I'm just not ready for Halloween decor, even though it is already everywhere.

But. appropriately, fall is a time of change. Of things dying off and making way for a dormant period before new growth springs to live. And in that spirit, I'm spending the long weekend to do a deep cleanse, both of my home and of the life choices that are no longer working for me.

The $1,000 Weekend Challenge

This "out with the old" mindset all started last weekend, after I'd received an email from one of my favorite creators, Justin Welsh. In the email, he challenged readers to earn $1,000 in weekend. The idea resonated, so I put on my sales cap (such that it is) and buckled down to put my full efforts behind the challenge.

After 72 hours of deep focus and LOTS of outreach the results were...

Well, I'll let you watch my YouTube video to find out.

Passion for the Outreach

Now I'm not great at sales, but I'm not terrible either. I love talking to people and have no problem trying to help them find the solutions they really need.

So why wasn't I feeling passionate about my outreach? I enjoyed putting the landing page together, but my emails lacked a lot my natural joie de vivre. I probably would not have bought from me if I'd received some of the emails I sent.

So I spent half the weekend outreaching, and the other half mulling why I wasn't "feeling it", and in the middle of all that, a few unplanned but very impactful events happened. Which led to a BIG a-ha moment. Something ain't right.

I'm Not Living the Life of My Dreams

I'm not living the life of my dreams. I'm close. Really close.

From the outside a lot people would swap places with me. Even my doctor recently told me he envies me. Which, I think, goes down on the list of things you don't want to hear from your medical professional. "You just focus on the medicine, boo!"

So a few ideas started to gel, and then boom, it all seemed to come together.

So there's a BIG IDEA is in the works. I just have to tie up all the knots. Or untie them? I dunno, I lost the metaphor. But if you want a sneak peek at what's ahead, take a look here and sign up for updates!

That's is it for me this week. Here's wishing you all a happy holiday weekend filled with love, family and lots of good vibes.


PS Native American friends, are you heading to the American Indigenous Tourism Conference in October? I'll be there, speaking on How to Use AI Tools to Build Your Cultural Tourism Materials. Check out the AITC agenda here.

PPS Creator friends who I've met through the Creator Network, your ongoing emails and outreach inspire me! Thanks for being an amazing, wonderful, inspiring group of people.

This Week on My YouTube Channel...

The $1,000 Weekend Challenge

In this episode, I take on Justin Welsh's $1,000 Weekend Challenge. Justin gives subscribers tips and tricks to earn an extra $1,000.

The old-fashioned way. Through sweat and labor. Did I make my goal? Watch the video to find out.

New In the Blog

How to Harness Audience Energy

Much like lighting a room, finding the β€œon” switch for your audience is the key to creating an electrifying experience that keeps everyone engaged.

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About Me

Hey there, I'm Monica Poling and I am a woman in transition. Click back next week for the new me!

In the meantime, πŸ’₯keep making noise. πŸ’₯



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